Trip Hazard are Colm (misc hitty things), James (misc squeezy things), Robin (misc blowy things) and Caro (misc things) — a new and exciting bunch of experienced dance musicians with altogether too many instruments. They play tunes, but only the good ones.
27th April 2024 with Trip Hazard, calling from Sarah Trop and Rob Humphrey
Trip Hazard

Sarah Trop
Sarah Trop is a lifelong contra dancer and energetic caller based in San Francisco. She is a strong proponent of a safe and inclusive dance floor, and her steady calling will guide everyone through her varied programs with ease.

Rob Humphrey
Rob Humphrey has been attending folk dance events his whole life, but only discovered Contra dances in 2015 when one happened to follow a handstand class he was attending. He was hooked pretty much immediately, and started calling shortly afterwards. Based in Cambridge, Rob enjoys contra dances with pleasing patterns and unusual geometry that flow and provide opportunities for embellishments.

Where and when?
This event is at Downing Place URC. Doors open for an intro lesson at 7pm, dancing runs from 7:30pm – 10pm.